After you finish getting your tattoo, your tattoo will leak out a clear substance called plasma. Make sure you always keep it wiped down and don't let it crust over. Another care tip, make sure the substance you put on your tattoo for coloring and swelling is not bad for you. Meaning, make sure your not allergic to the substance because it can cause a lot of damage to your skin and tattoo.
This is a picture of a man who lost his arm in a surf accident. He made his "stub" into a dolphin tattoo and he took excellent care of it. I thought this would be an interesting picture. :)
This is a picture of a tattoo that has not been properly cared for. This proves that you need to care for your new tattoo at all times!
I put too much ointment on my tattoo and it got to thick of a scabbing and it came off in the shower. My tattoo needs touching up from the scabbing and too thick of ointments and using it too many times throughout the day.
I didn't even notice that that guyu with the dolphin tat was missing an arm.
Good things to know for this summer.
I love your blog Emily. When I do get a tattoo, I will know how to care for one and the process and even maybe what kind of gun!!
OUCH DUDE! That would hurt so bad if you didn't take care of your tat. When I get mine I will most definetely keep this in mind!
Thanks for the info. Now I know wat to do when i get my tat.
Your blog is very helpful and contains a lot of important information for when people get their tattoos. That picture is sweet!
that tat looks legit!! i want a shark to eat may arm too but that would b to easy maybe i would need to be more hardcore but i dont know how
:) thanks for the info Emily! Now I know what to do to prevent my tattoo from looking like poo :)
That is crazy! That man's tattoo is very awesome!
I think that tattoo of the dolphin is awesome, its amazing how he was able to express himself like that. it adds character and show he is not ashamed of his disability. :)
Very interesting, this helped me alot with my new one!
Very interesting - I didn't realize a tattoo could fade in the sun.
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