Monday, February 27, 2012

My Diamond Is Shining.

Alright, this blog is all about the new surface piercing, DERMALS! Dermals are an anchor looking piercing, that is planted in your skin for a cute, unique look. These piercings are most common around the arm, neck, and face area. I personally want to get one myself. They are awesome accessories for tattoo art!

You may want a dermal for the look and the style, but is the pain worth it? It looks absolutely horrible. The process of getting the implant takes a while, and it bleeds alot. It may all depend on the person's pain tolerance as well! A down side on the implant, if it gets infected, you are forced to take it out, or you could get really sick.


Cute diamond accessories!

This guy is crazy. Why would you get dermals on your scalp??

Looks painful!

This is the surface, and the material that is injected into the skin.


angie w. said...

Ouch! I could never go through that much pain for a diamond in the skin!!

Ashley B. said...

This could be cool depending on where it is!

Coree K. said...

looks very painful...i could never get one of those!

Emily.I said...

definitely! I really want one for myself!

Matt B. said...

Looks pretty good on some people and some tattoos, but i dont think that i would get one.

Taylore said...

dam dude those are legit in the right spot it could look hot

becca z(: said...

I know a couple people who have dermals and they all say that they are pretty touchy for a while, but that they don't hurt as bad as people think. They didn't get them on their heads, though.

BrianG. said...

What if they get caught?

Cory K. said...

Why would you do something so stupid?

RKeenan said...


Olivia Anderson said...

I don't think I could ever get one. I'm a big baby when it comes to pain. In the right spot it could look good though.

Shelby :) said...

They look like they'd be really really easy to pull out if they got caught on something!

Mrs. Rohla said...

This looks interesting until I remember it's kind of permanent! I bet it leaves a scar when it come out, and the chance of infection seems pretty big.